The year 2020 has created many obstacles for employers around the globe. The Covid-19 pandemic accelerated a major shift in workplace locations and a heavy reliance on digital technologies to complete tasks, operate businesses and communicate with teams. Recruiting and retaining skilled talent is a must-have, as it’s the new currency for business and economic growth. As employers seek to optimise global workforce strategies, comprehensive data can inform better decision making.

Today’s organisations need to make complex and quick decisions regarding sourcing, hiring and retaining unique workforce skills to compete successfully in global labour markets. The role of HR is experiencing dramatic change as many organisations are applying remote readiness to their strategies. Luckily, there’s a data-driven tool to help.

The Total Workforce Index™ (TWI) from ManpowerGroup Talent Solutions empowers organisations to leverage comprehensive data and insights to address their unique and most pressing workforce needs. The TWI is the only index that examines the total global workforce, including both permanent and contingent, using a proprietary formula to determine the rankings of total, contingent and permanent workforce insights across 76 global markets. It uses 200 key factors related to the skills availability, cost efficiency, regulation and productivity of the workforce of each country. The resulting data and insights help organisations make data-driven decisions around their workforce strategy.As Covid-19 has made remote work a necessity, this year’s TWI report is specifically focused on remote readiness and introduces new factors which help to measure the remote workforce capabilities of each market. This addition to the Index has resulted in a significant shift in the rankings year-over-year. The Total Workforce Index also provides organisations with a pre-existing remote workforce even more options for finding talent with the skills they need outside of their present geographic location. This ultimately means these organisations are less limited by geographic constraints, which opens a wider pool of available talent and can significantly increase the diversity of talent.


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