As digitisation and automation become business as usual, the role of HR needs to evolve.
Here we share 7 steps organisations can take to develop organisational agility and workforce resilience for the future.1. REMEMBER LEADERSHIP MATTERS
Executives need to be the igniters of change, innovation and culture to ensure their companies become learning organisations in an era of rapidly changing skills.2. ENSURE THAT WOMEN ARE A PART OF THE SOLUTION
Creating a culture where women can thrive is more critical than ever. And importantly, what works for women works for others too.3. UNDERSTAND WHAT YOUR WORKFORCE WANTS
Companies must harness NextGen work models, including contract, part-time and temporary work to attract and retain the best skills – because 87% of workers want that.4. KNOW THE CAPABILITIES OF YOUR PEOPLE
Organisations need to use assessment, clean data and predictive performance to deploy talent in the most effective way and avoid creating ‘skills silos’.
Companies must replace one-size-fits-all approaches to training with focused strategies and guidance to develop critical, in-demand skills for their workforce.6. BET ON SOFT SKILLS
Organisations should fine-tune talent strategies to account for the fact that human skills are harder to develop than technical skills.7. ENABLE HUMANS TO AUGMENT TECHNOLOGY
Companies must continuously upskill their workers and create talent. They must assess and re-evaluate the skills they need to ensure human talent complements automation.To learn more about the talent strategies that are required in the digital age, download our whitepaper Humans Wanted: Robots Need You.This article first appeared in the tenth edition of The Human Age Newspaper.