Whilst it may be tempting to baton down the hatches in times of uncertainty, now could be the perfect time to consider implementing a Managed Service to help manage recruitment in your business. And with the increased flexibility that providers now offer, Managed Services are no longer the preserve of enterprise organisations, helping smaller organisations to work on a level playing field by providing services that many couldn’t afford to maintain in-house.
As a market leader in professional resourcing, we’re beginning to see a change taking place in the way organisations want Managed Services to operate. The current model continues to work well for many of our clients, but we’re increasingly being asked for something new to help them drive performance in their businesses. So to help you understand more about the developments, here are 3 of the key benefits a Managed Service can bring to your organisation, and why you should consider taking advantage of the new solutions that the changing world of recruitment has to offer.
1. Value Management
By taking on the management of all of your recruitment suppliers, standardising pricing and consolidating invoicing, a Managed Service should quickly begin to deliver a return on investment for your organisation. Your provider should also offer a single contact model, increasing efficiency across the business and freeing up your in-house resource.
Cutting-edge Managed Service solutions build on the foundations of the current approach, looking for increasingly creative measures which will continue to deliver cost efficiencies, without damaging the brand of the organisation. This could include considering new talent markets or identifying talent that meets your organisation’s core competencies and training them in the desired skill sets.
2. Workforce Blends
Whilst managing a variety of different contract types within your business may seem like an administrative headache for the HR team, a Managed Service can take much of the heavy lifting away. They then work to help you to build the perfect workforce blend for your organisation, leaving you to reap the benefits.
Attaining the right blend of permanent (part time and full time) and contingent workers allows your organisation to develop a more proactive approach to talent – bringing in the right skills for the right project, complimenting your existing team and helping you to achieve the best results whilst reducing unnecessary overheads.
Emerging Managed Service solutions expand the reach of your blended model – opening up the talent pool and offering access to new markets and specialist skills, as well as diversifying your thinking with new solutions like Employed Consultants and Crowd Sourcing.
3. Data Analytics
A valuable Managed Service partner should provide you with full visibility on the performance of your programme, any time you need it – whether that’s fulfilment rates or project completion. In order to continue to drive the best results for your business, your provider should also be reviewing this data regularly, assessing the performance against targets and looking for ways to improve your recruitment processes and increase efficiencies.
Current Managed Services can do a great job of using analytics to assess how to deliver on your current recruitment needs. But to offer the greatest value, providers are beginning to use analytics alongside big data to assess your future workforce needs, allowing your organisation to develop a proactive approach which will enable the development of a talent pipeline based on future requirements, helping you to stay ahead of the competition.
Using a predictive modelling approach will also allow better risk prevention. By continuously assessing the data and forecasting future outcomes, your Managed Service provider can see the problem before it occurs, allowing your organisation to make the necessary changes in advance of any business impact.
If you would like to know more about how a Managed Service with Experis could work for your organisation, get in touch today.