The global conversation among HR leaders of Millennials in the workforce is not new. Yet are we at risk of reinforcing the negative stereotypes this generation are often associated with? Or do we appreciate the wealth of possibility unique to this talent pool and acknowledge the ongoing responsibility we hold towards helping them recognise their potential?
To enhance our perspective of the reality of Millennials entering the world of work, ManpowerGroup surveyed a number of senior HR professionals in the UK. Respondents were asked their opinions on the readiness of Millennials for the world of work, the development initiatives that are currently in place, and how best to engage and retain this generation. Recognising the valuable viewpoints of Millennials themselves on some of the main themes addressed, we compared responses with results from a ManpowerGroup Global Millennials Study.
Our whitepaper summarises the key findings and explores some potential recommendations for bridging the divide between employers and Millennials.