If this is your first time going into an interview for a Support Worker job or you’ve already had a few but just need some more advice, this post is for you. We’ve put together some tips on how to ace your interview, whether you’re new to social care or experienced in the industry. An interview for a Support Worker role isn’t much different to any other interview, except that the employer might be looking for some particular traits essential to working in social care.Getting the basics rightSome of the most basic interview preparation tips are the most effective, because they show that you’re a professional and serious about the role you’re applying for, and they’re quick and easy to put in place. Planning your journey in advance so you get there with time to spare, dressing appropriately, and researching the employer are some of the fundamental basics you can put into practice for any interview.Preparation is keySpend time reviewing the current sector policies and researching what your responsibilities will broadly include in the role you’ve applied for. That level of preparation could inform the questions you ask the interviewers about the vision of their organisation, or you could use that knowledge to discuss how the sector is excelling and where there’s room for improvement. Search for the latest guidance online, for example at the Department of Health and Social Care website, for up-to-date information on safeguarding and delivering care to a service user.Review your experienceThink of the skills you can bring to the role. Whether you are experienced in social care or are new to the area, your unique background means that you will have some valuable skills to offer (for example, you might have evidence to show that you’re a good team player).
You may be asked how you would deal with a difficult situation. If you don’t have actual experience of this, it’s ok to talk about your voluntary experience or to refer back to your training. Think about the challenge, your thought process to solve it and what the outcome was. You can show what you learnt to demonstrate your effectiveness in similar situations and your sense of adaptability.Show you careEmployers are essentially looking for the same thing; someone who can demonstrate their service users will be cared for and are in safe hands. This is your opportunity to show you have the necessary skills, that you can work well under pressure and you’re confident about providing the service needed.
Contact your local BS Social Care consultant today for more valuable advice, interview preparation support, and discover all our available job opportunities.