Every day this week, we’ve been talking about the importance of nurturing learnability within your organisation. We believe understanding a person’s learnability potential is a key indicator of what they will need to succeed.
If you’ve managed to build a workforce that’s hungry to learn and grow – good. But the job doesn’t stop there. The kind of organisations that will survive into the future are the ones that keep this virtuous cycle turning.
We have identified three different levels of learnability – and what you do to motivate and upskill an individual needs to align with the stage they’re at:
High learners
These are workers who are positive about their job prospects. They take responsibility for their own training and development. They’re eager to learn, and would even consider moving jobs for skills training. Employers need to focus on creating opportunities to keep these individuals engaged.
Potential learners
Potential Learners recognise that training and development will lead to career success – but they’re not quite High Learners yet. By offering safe learning environments and regularly talking about their future career, you’ll help them to map out attainable development goals with clear pathways and outcomes.
Lower learners
Our research found that 7% of the workforce are ‘Low Learners’. They don’t have much of an appetite for training at all. It may be a challenge to move this group up. So employers should assess learnability factors early-on and make them a part of the initial hiring discussion.
Take a look at this video to find out more about how Manpower and some of our partners are nurturing employee learnability:
To find out more about the importance of learnability, visit: www.learnability.com.