For years, the information that jobseekers could access about companies and positions was very controlled and purposefully hidden. Candidates had few sources of information about open positions, corporate culture or company vision, let alone compensation and benefits.
However, in today’s candidate-led market, sharing information about the company vision and what it is like to work at your organisation creates a powerful and meaningful dialogue with candidates. In turn, this can yield better quality hires.
Key considerations for employers
Some companies reject information sharing and transparency, based on the fear that they will lose their competitive advantage if other companies copy them. However, nowadays, that is incredibly short sighted. These organisations are not building their employer brand for the long run, nor are they using all the weapons in their arsenal.
With this in mind, listed below are three key considerations all employers should deliberate when developing their future talent strategies:
1. Be open to new conversations and new ways of having them
To meet the expectations of candidates, employers should consider being open to sharing information about their company in new ways. For example, some companies are starting to experiment with video job descriptions. They are creating YouTube channels where people talk about current job vacancies, and give applicants the opportunity to see the workplace. It is a great way to subtly communicate corporate culture and people can get a real feel for the company.
2. Reach the right talent where they are
Today’s candidates are looking for information that resonates with them and with their situation. And they want to access this information where and when it suits them. As a result, Fortune 500 companies are increasingly devoting portions of their career pages to messaging about specific job categories (e.g. engineers, sales professionals). This personalised content is intended to build stronger relationships with hard-to-find talent, by demonstrating an understanding of their unique interests and needs.
3. Monitor the buzz
It’s essential for employers to reach candidates in the right way with the right information. But it is equally important for organisations to understand how they are being talked about and perceived on channels they do not own. While control is limited, there is always an ability to respond and, often, educate. Employer responses send a strong message about a company’s culture to all potential viewers: candidates, partners and investors.
Applicants today have more information about companies and open positions than ever before. As the information playing field becomes more level, employers have the opportunity to transform the candidate experience; using practical, emotional and interactive components that encourage dialogue and engagement.
Organisations should seek to harness the power of the well-informed candidate as a competitive advantage in today’s global search for the best talent. Read our new whitepaper – the Rise of the Well-Informed Candidate – to find out more about what your business needs to do to respond.